Tennessee Pass

by on Jan.14, 2007, under Uncategorized

I pretty much tried to do the skate ski thing by staying in the tracks.

But having no XC skiing ability what-so-ever, found myself using the snow drifts as my cushion.

as I'm making my way around the four miles I attempted, I took in the views and thought about how much fun it would have been to ride the SS on the groom trail.

Finally, I tried to find the easiest way back. Something should have told me that a trail named "Lung Burner" would not be easy. This was one nasty chicken foot climb!

Back at the center, I made the decision that XC skiing wasn't for me. It was my first and last time.

Then it was on to dinner which required a 1.5 mile snowshoe walk to the yurt at about 10,700'.

I thought this snow dune was pretty cool.

At the top it's photo op and views.

The Elk dinner in the yurt was fantastic!

So, what I really wanted to say was that it is great to be with a "real" club and not the "intellectual property" of Jay Jones. Yes, I am mentioning names here to get it off of my chest. When you see how a real organization functions and can provide such a good thing to the community (Team Evergreeen gives over $50,000 a year to charities), the ability to pass on being a part of the organization through elections, and how friendly everyone is, it is no wonder that I am happy to be a part of it.

So, I will leave with the following. It is the last time I will ever speak of these individuals and how they made me feel. Oh, and I know they read my Website (Google Analytics is a great application).

To Kurt W: I hope your chest is getting bigger from all that thumping you do. Good luck in your search for someone who will actually pay you some attention and laugh at you non sense of humor.

To Jay J: All that "intellectual property" going to waste. You have done nothing but take what was already done everywhere and use it to stoke your ego. I am very sorry that your dad was so hard on you as a child. Oh, and no one likes that crap you call music.

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