Circle Sedona

by on Nov.12, 2005, under Uncategorized


We start up what seems to be a valid trail but soon ends at a fence.

We turn around and head back down into the development to find the right trailhead and soon we are heading up Chimney Rock which is pretty much all like this:

Soon we come to a not so friendly sign on the trail. It means we either turn around or carry our bikes. Well, given the condition of the trails and the 90 degree two foot step down switchbacks, we carry them the 1/4 mile of designated area.

I did not like Chimney Rock trail and it is certainly not too friendly to bikes. We then make our way to Thundermountain which is rip roaring fun!

There’s a lot of off-shoot trails so we are checking the map often.Sugar loaf and tea cup offer up some more great single track and views.

Gary shows off on some slickrock.

Cibola Pass offers up some exposure and a terrific sink hole. I am standing on a ledge of the sinhole when Gary informs me that it’s not connected to the rest of the mountain, Visions of Wyle E. Coyote dance in my head.

Jim Thompson starts off pretty rough and loose.

Then it becomes and incredible dowbhill to the bridge and a quick pic of Chicken Peak.

Once at the highway, I draft off Gary the whole ride to the car. At 34 MPH I think I peddled twice.


Click here for Part I video of this ride. 

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