Cool Moon

by on Nov.26, 2004, under Uncategorized

Nothing new here.  It’s the same trail we’ve riden at night dozens of
times.  By now it’s like the bike is on a rail.  Sometimes it’s so
easy, one gets a bit cocky.  Kurt brought his new Fetish Cycle hardtail
that he built up for fun for a spin.  I noticed that his BB was real
low (read: Slalom low).  This time  a log would claim him.  I was right
behind as the slow motion button was pressed and he went OTB.  I slam
on the brakes stopping just short of his rear wheel and join him on the

Laughing finished, the pack takes some "new to us" old motocross trail
that has been partially grown over.  Some great whoop-dee-doos, and
real tight tree riding.  This will be a great detour from the "hiker"
trail if we can ever find a way to hook it all up.

We are hammering tonight!  I’m sticking with the front pack until the
first few sets of washed out roots.  I’m breathing alittle heavy at
this point, but I gear up and double time it to the front pack again. 
We reach the bridges (aka boardwalk) which are more slippery than
usual.  After some debating, we decide that we want to see the lake
(Pakim Pond).  So over the planks and I think everyone made it.  I
don’t really know, because I never looked back.  With Jay in front and
even with him not feeling well, it’s still an effort to keep him in my

We reach the pond, make a little ruckus and then hammer back to the
car.  I would have to say this was the fastest ride I have ever done in
the pines, but it felt good.  The temp now reads 26, but the heated
seats take all the chill away.

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