The Morning Pill

by on Jun.02, 2013, under Colorado, Ride Reports

I had to get me four days of riding in, in order to make up for the next seven day’s of travel.  I was doing pretty good and figured Sunday should be a longer ride.  Now, the past three days had been patrol rides.  I figured, why not keep it going.  Decisions, decisions.  Then, just before I shut my eyes it hit me.  Sunday is an even day.  NO hikers on Centennial Cone!  BINGO!

I got an early start at 8:00 AM to a pretty packed parking lot.  Wow, I wan’t the only one with the same idea.  And so the climb up Mayhem Gulch began.

P1030080Right off the bat, the first person I passed and everyone else said the same thing.

“You know there is a hiker up ahead.”

Funny thing to say, now that I think about it.  I just started up the trail.  Thanks, I said.

“I feel funny telling him he shouldn’t be there”, she said.

Ok, I said.  I’ll talk to him

I continue the climb.


I finally catch up to the evil perpetrator about three miles in.  I explain the alternate weekend rules, the possibility of a fine, and that he’ll get clobbered by a biker that doesn’t expect him to be on the trail.  He turns around and heads back down.  I’m sure that enough people coming up gave him grief, that he was pretty pissed by the time he got to his car.

I tried to be polite and hopefully that kept him in good spirits, but I later heard from others on the trail that he was not very happy about it.

Since half the trail is closed for elk calving, the ride is an out and back.  I actually prefer it that way, since the other half is just dirt road anyway.


I met all kinds of nice and polite bikers today.  Lots of yielding, hellos, thanks, and more.  Plenty of people I knew and some I didn’t.


The ride felt pretty easy today.  I was kind of regret not bringing the singlespeed.

Trails are always in transition.  Erosion, growth, and trees that kind of make you wonder.  This sucker is definitely a soon-to-be widow maker.


The wildflowers were not popping here yet, though there were some.



I hope we get some more rain.  I love it when it’s green


Upon reaching the highest point, I plucked my butt down and soaked it all in.  I spent quite a while here, chatting it up with the riders, and letting another couple of hikers know it’s not their turn.


Time to turn around and head back.  I took my time, since there were a lot of people heading up.  There’s so many blind corners, I didn’t want to take a chance.


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