Rolling Ridgeline

by on Apr.07, 2013, under Colorado, Ride Reports

Just South of Denver, CO, is the town of Castle Rock. A sprawling suburban landscape nestled between the eastern plains and the Dakota sandstone ridge that stretches across the entire state. If you drove through the town along I-25, you wouldn’t give it a second thought. You could not even see the area that houses this gem of a trail system from the highway. Who knew a trail system would start right in the middle of suburban sprawl?

It was a picture perfect day. Sort of the calm before the snow expected during the week. Take advantage while you can! The trails are mostly decomposed granite, typical of most of Colorado. However, these trails had a bit more organic matierial to help keep the marbles down.


There is a nice 10 mile loop along the outside and then a bunch of connector trails within.  You can get a good ride in.  There’s even talk about adding another 12 miles with adjacent property.


I have to admit I was skeptical of this being a decent ride, but I am glad I was wrong.

It has some unique vegetation for the area as well.  Riding through the scrub oak was definitely different.  I’ll have to see what it’s like when the leaves come out and fall might actually have some color.


And so ends another great weekend of riding.


GPS stats here:

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