A Passion Day

by on Feb.23, 2013, under Colorado, Ride Reports

It’s become a little harder to have days like this with an 85% travel schedule, but I’m sure glad they come along.  And when they do, I think they are even better than all of the other days I’ve had before.  I guess that gives one something to look forward to .  Cheers to the next passion day, which can only be better than this one!

The morning started with a white sand (my description of perfect snowy trails) ride out my back door.  You know the feeling you get when you just touch the trail and realize how perfect it is?  Yeah, it was.


After a quick shower, I headed downtown to NAHBS.  What could be more awesomer than following a great ride with drooling over great bikes?



Nothing gets me hornier than titantium.  Ok, maybe something else, but these rigs were sexy!



And then there was this!  My god!  Bling of bling and I do love bling.  Yes, it was the excess of all excesses.  I didn’t even ask how much, but if it had a for sale sign on it, I probably would have wasted a LOT of money.  Functional?  Don’t know and don’t care.  My figerprints are all over this baby.


Some of the paint jobs were amazing.  This puppy had rivets painted in.  They were so realistic I had to run my hands all over the tubing.  Sick, huh?  Too bad the photo didn’t come out better.  I wasn’t enamored with the design, though.  It seemed pretty amateur compared to Kent, but I do love the paint.


Speaking of Kent Eriksen, and I am a bit biased because I own one, his new design is amazing!



What better way to end the day of passion, than with Filet on the BBQ (sorry no pic yet) and damn good bike related beer.





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