Masochism At SSV

by on Jul.12, 2009, under Uncategorized

I was definitely feeling the effects of yesterday’s ride, but moments like this seem to mask the pain.

At the point where downhill becomes slightly more than up, the adrenaline provides both a anesthetizing and stimulating effect. What ride was that yesterday? Pfftt… This is more fun!

What good is a Colorado ride report without the obligatory Colorado scenery?

SSV was pumped and ready for us. Were the smiles warranted? You better believe it. Each effort put into negotiating the path in front seems to have a profound effect on facial muscles. If it is true that a smile takes far less effort than a frown, we weren’t working at all!

Hey Tarzan, watch out for that tree!

Bill seriously had is Mojo working today.

Keith eats rocks with every meal.

Or, maybe his chainring does?

Of course there is always time to smell the flowers.

The relentless pursuit of going over the bars continues on.

And then hit really hits home. This is a wonderful day. Shoot this is the best day of our lives. But, what do I know. I always look at every day being the best day of my life.

I have been doing a few hikes recently. Yeah, walking. I have been on a mission to find the Columbine, which I think is in the top 10 of cool wild flowers. Why do states always pick the most elusive flower or bird? And then, there is was. All over the lower SSV peeking out from around the trees.

And the end approaches. A few crashes in the group, I survived with out a bruise.

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